Member Spotlight: Women United Founders and Renewed Commitment to Philanthropy in 2025

Over the last ten years, we have raised nearly $420,000
through our Women United Brunch alone.
2024 was a very special year for United Way of Dane County as we celebrated the 20th anniversary of Women United, previously known as our Women’s Initiative. As a Tocqueville member, you’re probably already familiar with Women United – but you may not know that our Women’s Initiative was originally founded by just 28 women. Among those women were seven of your fellow Tocqueville members: Mildred Conney, Janet Loewi, Katharine Lyall, Janet Plumb, Karen Ragatz, Katie Sekelsky and Barb Swan
These women wanted to be involved in solving a huge problem in our community: an education gap that was impacting students, particularly students of color, reaching the third grade reading level. Up until third grade, children learn to read. From there, they read to learn, setting them up for all they need to be successful in life.
The founders also saw a solution, channeling the unique power of women as “nurturers, problem solvers, good listeners, loyal friends and compassionate caregivers.” In 2004, the Women’s Initiative was born, bringing women across Dane County together to volunteer their time as well as a minimum gift of $1,500 to bridge the funding gap for Schools of Hope, a collaboration of United Way of Dane County and the Madison Metropolitan School District (MMSD) to provide literacy tutoring support to students that need it most. In the first year, the Women’s Initiative raised $44,780.
Those of you who had the chance to attend last year’s Women United Brunch in September will remember the powerful moment seeing several of the founders stand and be celebrated in the center of that filled-to-the-brim ballroom. It’s incredible to see how that spark – that desire to create change for the better for our children and our community – lit a fire to create something long-lasting and powerful.
20 years later, we have over 1,200 Women United members and over the last ten years, have raised nearly $420,000 through our Women United Brunch alone. Women United’s focus has shifted to focus on women’s financial security, working to provide resources and education around the unique experiences that impact women’s financial well-being. From mobilizing workplace menstrual product drives to hosting events to educate community members on the financial impacts of divorce, Women United is changing women’s lives in Dane County for the better. To think it all started with just ten women passionate about making a difference.
In 2025, Women United will take that mission one step further by once again adding a giving level, starting at $1,000 annually. This will solidify philanthropy as a shared value, passion and priority amongst our members and ensure we invest as much back into the community as possible.
Our Tocqueville Society is much the same – a growing group of passionate individuals coming together to make an impact that’s greater than the sum of its parts. All it takes is a small group of people identifying a need in our community and deciding to do something about it.